Results for 'Ayşe Duygu Yavuz'

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  1.  28
    Fecr-i Âti'nin Edebî Faaliyetleri Çerçev.Ayşe Duygu Yavuz - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 4):1449-1459.
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    Yahy'’nın Şefaatn'me’si.Duygu Kayalık Şahin - 2022 - Atebe 8:211-231.
    İslamiyet’in Türkler tarafından kabul edilmesiyle birlikte Türk edebiyatında, İslamiyet’i konu alan eserler telif edilmiştir. Bu eserlerin bilhassa tevhid, naat, münâcât ve hâtime bölümlerinde Allah’ın rahmetine ve Hz. Muhammed’in şefaatine nail olmak arzusunun dile getirilmesi bir gelenek hâline gelmiştir. Zamanla, şefaati konu edinen ve başta Hz. Muhammed olmak üzere Allah’ın şefaat etmesine müsaade buyurduğu kişilerden şefaat isteğinde bulunulan manzum ve mensur müstakil eserler telif edilmiştir. Bu eserler, dinî-tasavvufi türlerden ayrılarak şefaatnâme olarak adlandırılmıştır. Şefaatnâmelerin geneli, eski Anadolu Türkçesi döneminde telif edilen Hikâye-i (...)
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    Cumhuriyet Theology Journal New Issue: Volume 25 Issue 1.Sema Yilmaz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):1-4.
    Welcome to the 25th volume 1st issue of Cumhuriyet Theology Journal. With this issue, we are excited and happy to be 25 years old. Cumhuriyet Theology Journal has gained a rapid momentum with its format and publishing principles, and managed to attract the attention of the world of science. With the Isnad Citation System developed within the Cumhuriyet Theology Journal and the work-shops held in 2018 and 2019, a number of decisions were taken to increase the publication quality of Theology (...)
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    Cumhuriyet Theology Journal New Issue: Volume 25 Issue 3.Sema Yilmaz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):957-959.
    Dear readers, Welcome to the 25th Volume 3rd Issue - Basic Islamic Sciences Special Issue- of Cumhuriyet Theology Journal. We are excited and happy to present you many current researches in this issue. We would like to express that we make all our efforts with a large team to carry the valuable works entrusted to us to the international arena. In our special issue we allocated to articles with the theme of Basic Islamic Sciences, 26 articles have been presented to (...)
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    Cumhuriyet Theology Journal New Issue: Volume 25 Issue 2.Sema Yilmaz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):517-520.
    Welcome to the 25th volume 2nd issue of Cumhuriyet Theology Journal. With this issue, we are excited and happy to be 25 years old. Cumhuriyet Theology Journal has gained a rapid momentum with its format and publishing principles, and managed to attract the attention of the world of science. With the Isnad Citation System developed within the Cumhuriyet Theology Journal and the work-shops held in 2018, 2019 and 2020, a number of decisions were taken to increase the publi-cation quality of (...)
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    Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi Yeni Sayı: Cilt 23 Sayı 2.Sema Yilmaz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):581-584.
    Welcome to the 23rd volume 2nd issue of Cumhuriyet Theology Journal which left behind 22 years of academic publication journey. It is important to carry out valuable scientific studies in academic life as well as to reach a wide audience. Our journal has achieved great progress in both national and interna-tional academic publication. Today, almost all scientific knowledge can be reached through online access. The researchs in the field of religious studies in Turkey deserves to reach all the world beyond (...)
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    Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi Yeni Sayı: Cilt 23 Sayı 3 (Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayısı).Sema Yilmaz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1073-1076.
    Gayretimin bir kısmı bilim dünyasına hizmet, ama diğer çok mühim bir gayesi ise; koskoca bir İslam aleminin yitirmiş olduğu kendine hürmeti, güveni ve insanlık tarihindeki yerini hatırlatmak, kaybettiklerini inşa etmek içindir. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin anısına ithaf ettiğimiz Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Özel Sayımıza hoşgeldiniz. Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin, 24 Ekim 1924 tarihinde Bitlis’te dünyaya gelen Fuat Sezgin, il-kokulu Doğubayazıt’ta, ortaokul ve liseyi ise Erzurum’da bitirdikten sonra 1943 yılında İstanbul’a geldi. İstanbul Üniversitesi şarkiyat (Doğu bilimi) Araştırmaları (...)
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  8. Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility: A Scale Development Study.Duygu Turker - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (4):411-427.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the most prominent concepts in the literature and, in short, indicates the positive impacts of businesses on their stakeholders. Despite the growing body of literature on this concept, the measurement of CSR is still problematic. Although the literature provides several methods for measuring corporate social activities, almost all of them have some limitations. The purpose of this study is to provide an original, valid, and reliable measure of CSR reflecting the responsibilities of a (...)
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  9. Turing test: 50 years later.Ayse Pinar Saygin, Ilyas Cicekli & Varol Akman - 2000 - Minds and Machines 10 (4):463-518.
    The Turing Test is one of the most disputed topics in artificial intelligence, philosophy of mind, and cognitive science. This paper is a review of the past 50 years of the Turing Test. Philosophical debates, practical developments and repercussions in related disciplines are all covered. We discuss Turing's ideas in detail and present the important comments that have been made on them. Within this context, behaviorism, consciousness, the 'other minds' problem, and similar topics in philosophy of mind are discussed. We (...)
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  10. How Corporate Social Responsibility Influences Organizational Commitment.Duygu Turker - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (2):189-204.
    A growing number of studies have investigated the various dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the literature. However, relatively few studies have considered its impacts on employees. The purpose of this study is to analyze how CSR affects the organizational commitment of employees based on the social identity theory (SIT). The proposed model was tested on a sample of 269 business professionals working in Turkey. The findings of the study revealed that CSR to social and non-social stakeholders, employees, and (...)
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    The role of self-efficacy in the relationship between the learning environment and student engagement.Yavuz Sökmen - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-19.
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    Inclination of Nursing Students Towards Ethical Values and The Effects of Ethical Values on Their Care Behaviours.Duygu Bayraktar, Arzu Karabağ Aydın, Tunç Eliş & Kader Öztürk - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (3):433-445.
    A descriptive, cross-sectional study aimed to determine the inclination of nursing students towards ethical values and the effects of these values on care behaviours. The data for this study were collected from 466 students studying from May 13–24, 2019. The data were collected using a questionnaire on the sociodemographic characteristics of the students, Inclination to Ethical Values Scale (IEVS), and Caring Behaviors Inventory-24 (CBI-24). In this study, 43.1 per cent of them belonged to families who had a protective attitude. The (...)
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    Children's Ideas About What Can Really Happen: The Impact of Age and Religious Background.Ayse Payir, Niamh Mcloughlin, Yixin Kelly Cui, Telli Davoodi, Jennifer M. Clegg, Paul L. Harris & Kathleen H. Corriveau - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):e13054.
    Five‐ to 11‐year‐old U.S. children, from either a religious or secular background, judged whether story events could really happen. There were four different types of stories: magical stories violating ordinary causal regularities; religious stories also violating ordinary causal regularities but via a divine agent; unusual stories not violating ordinary causal regularities but with an improbable event; and realistic stories not violating ordinary causal regularities and with no improbable event. Overall, children were less likely to judge that religious and magical stories (...)
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    Cyborg Encounters: Three Art-Science Interactions.Ayşe Melis Okay, Burak Taşdizen, Charles John McKinnon Bell, Beyza Dilem Topdal & Melike Şahinol - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (2):223-238.
    This contribution includes three selected works from an exhibition on _Cyborg Encounters_. These works deal with hybrid connections of human and non-human species that (might) emerge as a result of enhancement technologies and bio-technological developments. They offer not only an artistic exploration of contemporary but also futuristic aspects of the subject. Followed by an introduction by Melike Şahinol, _Critically Endangered Artwork_ (by Ayşe Melis Okay) highlights Turkey’s ongoing problems of food poverty and the amount of decreasing agricultural lands. It (...)
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    The Phrasal Implicature Theory of Metaphors and Slurs.Alper Yavuz - 2018 - Dissertation, University of St. Andrews
    This thesis develops a pragmatic theory of metaphors and slurs. In the pragmatic literature, theorists mostly hold the view that the framework developed by Grice is only applicable to the sentence-level pragmatic phenomena, whereas the subsentential pragmatic phenomena require a different approach. In this thesis, I argue against this view and claim that the Gricean framework, after some plausible revisions, can explain subsentential pragmatic phenomena, such as metaphors and slurs. In the first chapter, I introduce three basic theses I will (...)
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  16. Sanatta Sahtecilik Üzerine.Alper Yavuz - 2018 - In Berrin Taş (ed.), Kaç İnsanı Yaşadım. Cengiz Gündoğdu'nun 75. Yaşına Armağan. İnsancıl Yayınları. pp. 112-117.
    Bu yazıda bir sanat yapıtının sahte olmasının ne anlama geldiği incelenmektedir. Bu amaçla iki tür sahtecilik türü olan yapıt kopyacılığı ve biçem kopyacılığı birbirinden ayırt edilmektedir. İlk tür kopyacılık ile ilgili temel tartışma bir yapıtın aslından ayırt edilemeyecek kadar iyi bir kopyası neden yine de sanatsal olarak aslından daha değersiz bulunur, sorusuyla ilgilidir. İkinci tür kopyacılıkta ise temel soru bir sanatçının biçemini taklit ederek "yeni" yapıtlar üretmenin sanatsal açıdan nasıl değerlendirilmesi gerektiğidir. Yazıda bu ikinci tür kopyacılık, Hollandalı ressam Van Meegeren'in (...)
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    Consistent enlargements of the core in roommate problems.Duygu Nizamogullari & İpek Özkal-Sanver - 2015 - Theory and Decision 79 (2):217-225.
    In this paper, we study consistent enlargement of a solution. By computing it, one actually evaluates the extent to which the solution would have to be expanded in order to be well-defined and consistent. We show that the union of stable matchings and the matching recommended by a single-valued, well-defined, individually rational, and consistent solution is a minimal consistent enlargement of the core. Although individual rationality is sufficient it is not a necessity. Next, we show that for any fixed order (...)
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  18.  26
    Approaches in Scientific Research Methods and Phılosophical Dilemmas: Paradigm Wars.Yavuz Ercan GÜL - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:3):296-315.
    Tüm araştırmalar iyi bir araştırmanın nasıl yapıldığına, hangi araştırma yönteminin uygun olduğuna ilişkin bazı temel varsayımlara dayanmaktadır. Herhangi bir araştırmanın yürütülmesinde bu varsayımların bilinmesi önemlidir. Gerçeklik anlayışı birbirinden oldukça farklı yaklaşımların aynı çalışmada gerekçesiz kullanılması araştırmanın ciddiyetine gölge düşürmektedir. Çünkü araştırma paradigmaları, varsayımları ve ilkeleri aracılığıyla bilimsel araştırmalara rehberlik etmektedir. Bu çalışma pozitivizm, Naturalizm ve Pragmatizmin temel varsayımlarını (ontoloji, epistemoloji, aksiyoloji ve metodoloji) inceleyerek araştırma paradigmasına odaklanmaktadır. Çalışmadaki temel amaç araştırmacılara yöntem seçerken aynı zamanda felsefi bir geleneği de benimsediklerini ve (...)
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    Sanatçının Yaratımından Açılan Farklı Sahneler: Aristoteles’ten Platon’a "Tragedya" Ekseninde Bir Geri Dönüş.Ayşe Gül Çivgin & Ümit Öztürk - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):17-32.
    Bu çalışma, Aristoteles ve Platon özelinde, “poiēsis” fiilinin iki farklı tarzda kavramsallaştırmasından doğan yapıca uzlaşmaz iki “tragedya” anlayışını irdeleme amacı taşımaktadır. Bunun için, Peri Poiētikēs Tekhnēs ile Politeia metinleri yol gösterici olarak seçilmiştir. Tartışmamızı “mimēsis” bağlamına yerleştirerek, bir yandan “poiēsis” etkinliğine diğer yandan ise “poiēsis” etkinliğinin gerçekleştiricisi olan “poiētēs”e yönelip, bu kavramların bahsedilen iki filozofun “sanat” ve “felsefe” kavrayışlarındaki yerini açmayı deniyoruz. Bu denemeyi ise tragedya bağlamında karşımıza çıkan fâil, fiil, münfâil hâl ve seyirci mefhumları üzerinden derinleştirmeye çalışıyoruz. Böylece, sunduğumuz (...)
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    Ethics of social responsibility to indirect stakeholders: a strategic perspective.Duygu Turker & Ceren Altuntas - 2013 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 8 (2):137-154.
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  21. What is the O-Corner Interpretation and Does it Save the Traditional Square of Opposition?Yavuz Recep Başoğlu - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi 1 (51):37-59.
    To salvage traditional logic and traditional square of opposition from the problem of existential import, logicians have been offering solutions for centuries. In this paper, firstly it will be argued that as far as we know, the historically first solution proposed by Abelard in 11th century and by Seuren in 2002 is actually a version of the O-Corner Interpretation of traditional logic, which is generally attributed to the 14th-century logician Ockham. Secondly, it will be advocated that two systems of Abelard (...)
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  22. On the shores of power : cultural diversity turn, cultural policies, and the location of migrants.Ayse Caglar - 2015 - In Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Christina Garsten, Shalini Randeria & Ulf Hannerz (eds.), Anthropology now and next: essays in honor of Ulf Hannerz. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
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  23. Saldırganlık, Şiddet ve Terörün Psikososyal Yapıları.Yavuz Erten & Cahit Ardalı - 1996 - Cogito 6:143-164.
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    Nef'î'nin "Değil" Redifli Gazelinin Şerhi ve Yapısalcılık Açısından İncelenmesi.Duygu GÖKÇEN - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 4):357-357.
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    Atatürkün Ölümü Dolayısıyla Elazığda Yapılan Matem Töreni.Yavuz Haykir - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):529-529.
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    Tek Parti Döneminde Elazığda Cumhuriyet Bayramı Kutlamaları.Yavuz Haykir - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 7):331-331.
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    The Words that Abū al-Ṭayyib al-Lughawı̄ does not Accept as Aḍdād (Contronym) in the Context of Kitāb al-Aḍdād.Ayşe Meydanoğlu - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):969-988.
    In this study, the words that Abū al-Ṭayyib al-Lughawī did not consider as aḍdādwhile his predecessors accepted the same words as aḍdād(contronym), are examined. These words are examined with the purpose of determining his approach towards contronmy words (aḍdād). There is disagreement about the definition and the number of aḍdāds, which can shortly be defined as the word which has two opposite meanings. In this study, brief information about the definition and limitation of aḍdādand the reasons that produce aḍdādare given, (...)
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    Understanding Maturidi Kalam - Legacy, Present & Future Challanges (28-29 Ekim 2017, Amman/Ürdün).Ayşe Betül Tekin - 2017 - Kader 15 (3):767-772.
    Kalam Research & Media tarafından John Templeton Foundation işbirliğiyle organize edilen "Understanding Matüridi Kalam - Legacy, Present & Future Challanges" başlıklı sempozyum 28-29 Ekim 2017 tarihlerinde Ürdün'ün başkenti Amman'da Olive Tree Hotel'de gerçekleştirildi. İki gün süren sempozyumda ABD, İngiltere, Avustralya, Filistin, Ürdün ve Türkiye'den bir araya gelen araştırmacılar Mâtüridî mezhebinde öne çıkan çeşitli konularda Arapça ve İngilizce tebliğler sundu. Açılış, kapanış ve beş oturum şeklinde düzenlenen sempozyum toplam on üç tebliğden oluşmaktaydı. Paralel oturumların olmaması katılımcıların bütün sunumları dinleyip müzakere edebilmesine (...)
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    Yasin Apaydın. Metafiziğin Meselesini Temellendirmek: Tecrîd Geleneği Bağlamında Umûr-ı Âmme Sorunu.Ayşe Betül Tekin - 2020 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 6 (2):194-201.
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    Poems With “Var Içinde” Redif In Turkish Classical Literature And Nedim’s Ghazel With “Var Içinde” Redif.Ayşe Yildiz - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:478-498.
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    Why wait for the verb? Turkish speaking children use case markers for incremental language comprehension.Duygu Özge, Aylin Küntay & Jesse Snedeker - 2019 - Cognition 183 (C):152-180.
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    The "Honor" of the State: Virginity Examinations in Turkey.Ayse Parla - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (1):65-88.
  33. Do Muslims Believe More in Protestant Work Ethic than Christians? Comparison of People with Different Religious Background Living in the US.Yavuz Fahir Zulfikar - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (4):489-502.
    This study examines the work ethic characteristics of Protestant, Catholic, and Muslim people who are living in the US. People originally from Turkey were targeted under the Muslim group. Since a significant number of people selected “none” as their religious affiliation in the survey, this group has also been included in the final analysis. Eight hundred and three people (313 Protestants, 180 “none”, 96 Muslims, 86 Catholics, and 128 other) participated in this questionnaire study. The analyses revealed that Muslim Turks (...)
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    Rational choices elicit stronger sense of agency in brain and behavior.Mustafa Yavuz, Sofia Bonicalzi, Laura Schmitz, Lucas Battich, Jamal Esmaily & Ophelia Deroy - 2025 - Cognition 257 (C):106062.
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    The influences of sociocultural norms on women's decision to disclose intimate partner violence: Integrative review.Ayşe Güler, Rebecca C. Lee, Liliana Rojas-Guyler, Joshua Lambert & Carolyn R. Smith - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12589.
    Sociocultural norms against women can contribute to promoting intimate partner violence (IPV) and shape women's decision to disclose IPV. A cross‐cultural analysis of the existing literature is needed to present an overview of the influences of sociocultural norms on women's decisions regarding the disclosure of IPV across different cultural contexts. The purpose of the review was to synthesize published quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods (MMs) studies to identify known sociocultural norms across different cultures that may influence women's decision to disclose (...)
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    İslam Medeniyetinde Pozitif İlimlerin Gelişimi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.Yavuz Selim Göl - 2022 - Atebe 8:139-156.
    Müslümanlar Kur’ân’ın ilk emri olan okumayı sadece yüzeysel bir okuma değil varlığın özüne inmek ve dünyayı anlamak olarak değerlendirmişlerdir. Bu doğrultuda ilk zamanlardan itibaren etraflarında gelişen tüm olayları ibret nazarıyla incelemişler ve ilmî çalışmalarına konu etmişlerdir. İlim öğrenmenin kadın veya erkek fark etmeksizin tüm Müslümanlar için gerekli görülmesi de onlar için önemli bir motivasyon kaynağı olmuştur. Hızlı ve emin adımlarla yükselen İslam medeniyetinin öne çıkan yönlerinden birisi Müslümanların dini ilimlere gösterdikleri ilgidir. Sadece dini ilimlerle sınırlı kalmayan Müslümanlar sonraki dönemlerde astronomi, (...)
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  37. How Not to Argue About the Compatibility of Predictive Processing and 4E Cognition.Yavuz Recep Başoğlu - forthcoming - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu.
    In theories of cognition, 4E approaches to cognition are seen to refrain from employing robust representations in contrast to Predictive Processing, where such posits are utilized extensively. Despite this notable dissimilarity with regard to posits they employ in explaining certain cognitive phenomena, it has been repeatedly argued that they are in fact compatible. As one may expect, these arguments mostly end up contending either that Predictive Processing is actually nonrepresentational or that 4E approaches are representational. In this paper, I will (...)
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  38. A proposed identification for zosima's apolikaptii monastery in constantinople.Ayse Dietrich & Richard Dietrich - 2007 - Byzantion 77:116-123.
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    What Makes Ethics Education Effective?Duygu Gulseren, Nick Turner & Justin M. Weinhardt - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 18:5-24.
    Ethics education remains in high demand in business schools. Meta-analyses published in the last two decades show that ethics instruction with certain characteristics produce more desirable moral outcomes than other characteristics do. Acknowledging the vast accumulated knowledge on this topic, we believe that the existing evidence base could be overwhelming for ethics educators designing and delivering their courses. Thus, we review the research evidence on the effectiveness of ethics instruction and translate the findings into evidence-led best practices. Adopting the meta-science (...)
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    YILDIRIM, İsmail Cumhuriyet Döneminde Demiryolları , Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Yayınları.Yavuz Haykir - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):1277-1277.
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    Lebbeyk Kelimesinin Osmanlı Türkçesindeki Kullanımları Üzerine.Yavuz Kartallioğlu - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):289-289.
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    Uzun Manzumeleri Işığında Cem Sultan'ın Ruh Âlemine Bakış.Ayşe Sağlam - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 21):363-363.
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    Religious Sharing Attitudes on Social Media of Theology Faculty Students.Sefer Yavuz - 2020 - Dini Araştırmalar 23 (57):37-64.
    Assuming that social media is mainly composed of unsupervised and anonymous content, it is an important problem that the younger generation and students’ attitudes towards content related to various aspects of religious life such as belief, worship, community, morality and mind set. In this study, it has been examined the attitudes of active social media user theology faculty students towards social media sharing related with religious content. In addition, it has been analysed whether the social media religious sharing attitudes of (...)
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    Opinions On The Definition And Classification Of Rhymed Prose According To Some Rhetoric Books.Yildiz Ayşe - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:1055-1065.
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  45. Canlılık ve Canlılıkbilimi Üzerine Yeni Bir Değerlendirme.Mustafa Yavuz - 2019 - Kutadgubilig Felsefe-Bilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 1 (40):183-197.
    In this study, it is tried to put forth some explanations on the definition of vitality referring to the historical definition of biology that can be considered as thestudy of life. In accordance with the explanations, the necessity of revision and distinction of some terms in the contemporary biology is also mentioned. The first among which is the updating of the term known as homeostasis into homeokinesis. For this reason, a number of propositions are emphasized in order to clarify the (...)
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  46. Botánica en al-Ándalus: Un Estudio Comparativo de Trabajos Ilustrados de Botánica en el Magreb y Máshreq.Mustafa Yavuz - 2017 - Awraq 1 (17):169-186.
    In this study, after a short introductory information on the etymology, origin, and transition of botanical knowledge in Medieval Islamic Civilisation, we made a comparison of illustrated botanical works in Maghreb and Masriq through two illustrated books. We studied on randomly selected illustrations from Kitab al- Hashaish at-Tibb li-Diskuridus al-Aynzarbi translated by Istefan ibn Basil & Hunayn ibn Ishaq from Dioscorides’ Materia Medica, and Kitab al-Adwiyat al-Mufradat of Abu Ja’far Ahmad al-Ghafiqi, the Andalusian physician, pharmacist, and herbalist. We made comparisons (...)
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    The Effects of Religious Rituals and Religious Coping Methods on the Grief Process and Posttraumatic Growth: A Qualitative Study.Ayşe Gökmen & Said Sami - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):105-132.
    The aim of this study is to examine the attitudes of people who lost their relatives due to the earthquake towards the mourning process and the role of religious rituals in combating the stressful situation caused by this loss. In the study in which the qualitative research method was adopted, a case study design was also adopted. In the study where the criterion sampling technique was used, a total of 12 participants who experienced loss due to the earthquake were included (...)
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    Cognitivist Presumptions of Moral Realism in Justification of Moral Truths Abstract.Ayşe Uslu - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:2):345-366.
    This study critically examines the foundational principles of impartiality and value independence advocated by moral realist epistemologies in the pursuit of objectivity. Central to moral realists is the cognitivist presupposition necessitating a clear distinction between cognitive and emotional components inherent in moral judgments. The investigation focuses on the cognitive-emotional dichotomy underlying the moral realist perspectives of David Enoch and Thomas Nagel. The research findings unveil that the interplay between cognition and emotion, as evidenced by experimental data, poses a formidable challenge (...)
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    Gazz'lî’nin Mûcizeye Yaklaşımının Teh'fütü’l-Fel'sife Bağlamında Kuantum Kuramı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi.Ayşe Kocabaş & Ahmet Çelik - 2024 - Kader 22 (2):312-333.
    Klasik fizik anlayışını değiştiren kuantum kuramı, bilimsel sahada ilk defa ortaya çıkan indeterminizm olması bakımından felsefe ve teoloji alanlarında da büyük etkiler meydana getirmiştir. Evrene yönelik yeni bir bakış açısı sunan bu kuram, tarihte çığır açarak yepyeni bir dönemi başlatmıştır. Devrim niteliğindeki kuantum kuramı, yirminci yüzyılın en önemli entelektüel başarılarındandır. Atom ve atom altı sistemleri inceleyen kuantum kuramı Max Planck’in kuantum hipoteziyle başlamış, kuramın temel prensipleri yine onun tarafından ortaya konulmuştur. Kuantum kuramı; hiçbir kesinliğin olmadığı, nesnelerin ölçüm yapılıncaya kadar hiçbir (...)
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    Avicennian Reception of Aristotelian Botany.Mustafa Yavuz - 2024 - Cihannüma 10 (2):5-19.
    This article presents a comparative analysis of the views on plants in Ps. Aristotle namely Nicolaos of Damascus and Avicenna, examining the distinct philosophical frameworks each thinker employs to understand the nature of plants. The representative work of the Aristotelian tradition, De Plantis, offers a naturalistic perspective, focusing on biological processes such as growth, nourishment, and reproduction. (T)his approach is empirical, categorizing plants as distinct from animals but still subject to similar material causes within the natural order. The Aristotelian framework, (...)
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